Warning!! Even though I read a lot I am basically the world's worst speller. So I apologize in advance for gramtical and spelling erors!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Most Dangerous Profession by Karen Hawkins

Dear Readers,

Can I start out by saying I am sorry. I have let you and myself down. I read this book. I didn't want to. I didn't mean to, but it was sitting on my shelf and in my moment of weakness I cracked it open. I was fiction starved. I have been reading a very lengthy in-depth biography of Julie Child and my mind needed some mindless, meaningless fiction. It was kind of like a one night stand with a book. I liked it while I was reading it. I couldn't put it down. I was engrossed in the total fictitious setting and characters. After reading it however I felt kind of dirty and used. I didn't want to admit that I liked it and even wanted to read the other books in the series. All I can do is sit here and shake my head at how stupid I feel now. So stupid...
How this book ended up on my shelf and in the reach of my fiction needy hands is kind of a funny story. I gave it to a friend as a gag gift for a play about a year ago. She was the old and lonely music teacher in the play. We joked that she would stay in her room and read these kind of novels for fun at night. She read it and laughed so hard at how bad it was. She read me a passage one day and I said that I just had to read it. With no reluctance she handed over the paperback. I kept saying I would read it. She kept asking me about it. Joking that once I finished we would have a book burning and rid the world of one copy of this book. So day, months, and eventually a year went by without me reading this "novel". I was so fiction hungry that even this worked to get me going. Such a shame. Guess we can have the book burning now.
Time for a little review of the book. I don't want to offend the author to much, but really?  I have one question. Why do people write things like this? Is there really a need? Maybe they write them just for the fiction starved who would devour anything resembling a novel. I just think that if you are going to write and you have some inkling of creative talent you should funnel it into something a little more important. Maybe they write them because really they have no inkling of writing talent. That's probably it because that is the vibe I got from "A Most Dangerous Profession".
Language: meh. Plot line: meh. Sex scenes: meh (come on there were only three. I should have just read 50 Shades for my romance novel slip up). Characters: meh. Really the book over all was meh. It was unrealistic. The characters were both gorgeous, they both had dangerous jobs, and they were married already even though they hated each other.  So the super attractive main female character Moria is a spy/con artist. The attractive main male Robert was suppose to catch her in the act like seven years ago. Instead of taking her in he has sex with her. She gets prego and instead of telling him she arranges a shame wedding and marries him. She leaves, has the kid, and then lives in peace for 7 years. Some dickhead who I can't even remember the name of takes the kid and blackmails Moria to find some box thing for him. In a surprising twist Robert is looking for the same thing. They rekindle there hot passionate love making from the years past. After having some long over due sex (it was like page 50 already and they hadn't gotten it on yet) they decided to work together and get the box and get their kid back. Robert has never met the child, but he feels a fatherly connection already. They get the box and almost get killed/raped by some crazy lord/duke/annoy dude. They have the box try to get the child and Robert gets hurt. The child is fine though. They all reconvene at Robert's house that he coincidentally bought and fixed up near Moria cottage where she raised the child. Robert decides that he wants his wife and kid to stay and they say yes and everyone is happy after all.
It was kind of one of those plot lines that everything falls in place just a little to easily. I guess for the lonely old ladies who these books are meant for they want that. This book emulates what they wanted to happen to them, but clearly didn't. They want a man in shinning armor to come and sweep them off their feet and have amazing sex with them. A Most Dangerous Profession was not for me though. It did satisfy the fiction gap I had, but it wasn't filling. I am still wanting more fiction. It was like a appetizer that you really didn't want but you ordered because you were hungry and didn't think that you could wait for the main course. I would just like to say don't read it dear readers, Just don't even try, unless you want to join in on the book burning with me.