Warning!! Even though I read a lot I am basically the world's worst speller. So I apologize in advance for gramtical and spelling erors!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Dear Readers,

I finally finished another book! For some reason I have been reading but not finishing books. I will start one and them someone will hand me another book to read. My locker buddy Jacob handed me this book and told me I had to read it. I was up for it so I took and started it that. It took me a little longer then I would have liked, but the book was amazing. If you have not read Ender's Game you must!! This book beats out so many other books I have read. It has a sort of Lord of the Flies fell because it explores the depths of the human mind and what humans are willing to do for their own survival. But it is so much better then Lord of the Flies.
The genre is Science-Fiction. If you have not read a Science-Fiction this is the one you should start with. It is futuristic, but easy to relate to. There are aliens, spaceships, other worlds, and futuristic weapons. But there is so much more to the book. So much more meaning then just defeating an alien race of buggers.
The book starts out by introducing the main character Ender Wiggin. Ender is an unusual little boy. He has had a monitor on the back of his neck from birth. His every move has been monitored since birth. Not only is he monitored is third child in a time when a family is only allowed two children. Ender is continually taunted by the boys at school and by his older brother Peter. All he wants to do is get away. Finally his answer comes in an invitation to come to Battle School.
Battle School is a place where the take the best and brightest kids from earth to train them to fight the Buggers. Buggers are an alien race the 70 years before attacked the earth. The humans are still angry and ready to get back at the buggers. Ender was raised to believe that buggers are evil and they must die. In Battle School Ender learns much more then just how to fight buggers.
I will not tell you more of the plot because I absolutely do not want to spoil to ending for you. It is an amazing ending. I may dare say one of the best I have read.
The other reason I love this book besides the riveting plot I mentioned earlier. Maybe I am reading to much into it, but I found tons of meaning in this book. The book starts when Ender is 6 and follows him to age until about age 11. What Ender does at a such a young age is almost scary. Peter and Valentine his siblings are almost as horrifying. The Wiggin family defies the stereotypical view of age. As children they accomplish much more then some people accomplish in a lifetime. Not everything the accomplish is exactly good. Peter is made out to be the evil sibling, Valentine the kind, sweet, and sensible sibling, and Ender the in between. But as you see the world threw Ender's eyes you wonder if he tips to one side of the scale. The comparison between good evil is very blatant. As Ender is pushed to his extreme, the reader is able to see what a human is capable of at even such a young age.
At the end all I could say was wow. I loved it, and so will you. So just read it. I can not guarantee that I will read the rest of the books that Orson Scott Card has written about Ender, but I am glad that I read this one.
Read On!!

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