Dear Readers,
My last post was about the first book in this amazing fantasy series. Well, since then I have finished the next seven books. (I am waiting for the eighth book to come in at the library so I can finish the last three.) I read these books in such rapid succession. It can only be compared to the manner in which the Rangers shoot their arrows.
I read about a book a day for a week. So now I have up through Erak's Ransom completed, and I enjoyed every page that I read! You can really tell when I fantasy book is well written. John Flanagan switches between the major conflicts in the book with such ease. Just when you are into one part of the plot he switches to the other conflict. This technique keeps you from getting bored, and it kept me turning the pages!

Not only does Mr. Flanagan use very techniques, he also has very original ideas. I have read many many many fantasy books, so when I read a fantasy series I really look for originality. This story is one that I have not heard before. The conflicts and plot lines are different from most of the fantasy books I have read. The world these books take place is also very interesting. The world has different names, but you can tell that this new world is based on the map of Europe and surrounding countries. The main country is obviously England, the neighboring country Gallica is of course France, and all of the other places have strong geographical and ethnic similarities to real countries. I really appreciated this creative take on Europe's map. Just because it is a fantasy book there does not have to be a new, strange world.
Besides being original and well written, the books are full of interesting characters
and wonderful conflicts.

Will, the Ranger's Apprentice, leads a very interesting life. At the age of 15 he is already fighting against strange creatures, making plans, and riding across the country with his teacher, Halt. As the books go on Will of course ages and takes on new challenges and tasks. He grows from the shy young apprentice to a strong and trust worthy young man who can solve almost any conflict. Halt and Will develop a special relationship that will leave you smiling. Will, an orphan who never had a father, now has a strong male figure in his life the exemplify. Halt who is normally serious, aloof, and lonely now has a bright spot in his days. The two characters have witty exchanges and touching moments. Besides the two main characters there is a parade of interesting and new characters in each book. Some turn out to be friends that will reappear through out the whole series, and some turn out to be enemies that cause the friends to bond. Personally I enjoy a little romance in every book I read, and the later books in this series do not fall short of the expectation. The romances aren't mushy or cheesy, but as the young Will and his friends grow they find new roles in each others' lives. Also some of the older characters rekindle old sparks.

Each conflict shows the characters strengths. This group of characters has crazy amount of courage and strength. They travel all of the known world to complete missions, save their friends, and find out secret information. The books show how friendship can be more binding then any contract written on paper. The friendship that the characters develop are something the we need exemplify in our own lives.They make promises and stick to them. They would do anything to keep their friends out of trouble. So not only do the books take you to other places, the provide a very good example to young readers out there of what true friendship looks like.

I really like this series. It is uncommon for me to not like fantasy, but there are few series that I would reread and this is one of them. For some reason the character, plot, and writing style really appeal to me. I would recommend this series to anyone. It may be written for a young audience, but anybody would enjoy the fast paced, fun, adventurous nature of this series. So if you are bored pick them up and I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. I will post about the rest of the series once I have finished with it! (Which will probably be in a few days.) So until then keep reading my friends!