Warning!! Even though I read a lot I am basically the world's worst speller. So I apologize in advance for gramtical and spelling erors!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Ranger's Apprentice (Books 8-10) by John Flanagan

Dear Readers,

I finished it!! All ten books are done!! And I am very pleased. I enjoyed this series. Fantasy definitely has to be one of my favorite genres. There is nothing I enjoy more than being sucked into a story and forgetting that I am reading. This series did not let me down. The characters were interesting and relatable, the plot was fast paced and gripping, and the fantasy land was fantastically made.

The main reason I love these books is the characters. From the beginning of the series you relate to the main character Will. You want him to succeed. When he meets new friends you become to like the friends. When become romantically involved with his childhood sweat heart you are rooting for him all the way.
I really did enjoy the relationships that form between the characters. In the last three books the characters are older. I would say they are mid-twenties. During the seventh book Halt gets married to Lady Pauline. This made me smile sooooooo much. I was rooting for them too. After that Will and Alyss's relationship develops. I really enjoy when the are subtle love stories in books. I do not need to read a flat out romance book because I can get all of the cuteness I need from the small romances in fantasy novel. Another romance springs up but I will let you find that one out for yourself.
I found that plot to be semi-repetitive, but that fit. (I didn't care to much about the plot because I was caught up with the characters.) The plot of every book seemed to take the same pattern. A problem would arise Halt, Will, and Horace would run off the solve it. Some unexpected, unplanned thing would happen and the rangers would stick there heads together and come up with something. In the end everything would turn out fine, their friends would hug them, then everything would turn back to normal. Or atleast until the next book when the same thing would happen again. It seemed as if the young Will had way too much happen in his short life. As I said before though I did not really care about the plot.
I would highly recommend this series!!!! Really!! I know that I said this before, but after finishing I think that my recommendation comes a little higher. So just Read It!!

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