Wow what can I say?
I normally like the books I read, but this one was a struggle and not in the good way. It was almost painful to read. It just really wasn't good at all. I normally don't like to trash authors or their books, but this book kinda deserves it. After making it through the first four books in the series I should have at least been rewarded by something good. After the long wait for this book it wasn't even worth it.
Let me plunge into my criticism of this book by starting out with a comparison to the rest of the series. The first four books were pretty good. The first three I loved. They were enticing. They were exciting. They were different. I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. The fourth one was sub-par, and I was hoping that the fifth one would get better. But it didn't. I believe there is a direct connection between the covers of the books. The first three books had bodies but you couldn't see their faces, but on the fourth book Cassandra got cocky and the cover art starting including the faces. It left less up to imagination. It also just pissed me off.
The prequel series is rather good. Maybe because the main character isn't the dumbest person ever. The Clockwork Prince which I blogged about before is a pretty good. The plot isn't muddled with stupid actions by stupid characters. But City of Lost Souls definitely is.
Okay lets start out by bashing the character. I don't think I have read a stupider character than Clary. At first she seemed adventurous and fun, but as the series continued she started to take unnecessary risks and make very very stupid mistakes. She acts like she knows things, but everything she thinks she knows ends up being wrong. At first I thought that her relationship with Jace was cute, but that also faded as the series went on. As Clary's mother pointed out in this book, her and Jace are just not meant to be together. They have gone through so much. First they couldn't love each other because they weren't the same race. Then they didn't know that they liked each other. Then after confessing their love they found out they might be siblings. Then after that found out they weren't related Jace was possessed by a Greater Demon. Then Jace was connected to Clary's evil sick mined brother. And here is the kicker this all happened in the first six months of their relationship. So clearly they just need to stop, but they don't get the hint. Clary is willing to risk everything, every innocent human life on earth, for her lover Jace. That is not healthy. The relationship is just weird.
Jace is also a very annoying character. He is soooooooooo full of himself. He believes he is the best thing since sliced bread. I just can't stand him.
Basically every other character in the novel runs around like a chicken with their head cut off. They make plans that make no sense and have about a .0001% chance of working. All of this up to do is about Jace, who has on multiple occasions been a complete asshole to everyone. But lets not forget that Shadowhunters make stronger bonds with each other than humans, so their unreasonable and retarded actions are completely called for.
The only redeemable character in the book is Simon. Not only his he hilarious, he is the only person with sense in the book. He lets Clary go, but agrees to take the ring as a life line because he realizes, unlike Clary's mother, that he cannot stop her. When everyone is freaking out about how they are going to find a weapon, Simon puts on his big boy pants and takes action. Simon is really the only person who makes sense in the books. He is also the best comic relief. He is a nerd who makes many references to comics, movies, and t.v. shows. He is way better than Jace, but Clary should not have ended up with him because she doesn't deserve him. Cassandra said that she had thought about leaving the series with book 4 and making a graphic novel about Simon. I have one question for you Cassandra, WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT???? It would have been infinite times better than the shit you ended up writing.
The plot is basically all of the retarded characters running around doing retarded things. Nothing they do really makes any sense. They all act on impulse without thinking about the consequences. Not much more needs to be said about the plot.
This is just a really bad example of fantasy. It makes me want to throw up. I am sorry that this book is out there for the public to read. So don't pick this one up. Just leave it on the shelf in the Paranormal Teen Romance section because that is where is belongs.
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