Warning!! Even though I read a lot I am basically the world's worst speller. So I apologize in advance for gramtical and spelling erors!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

God is Dead by Ron Currie Jr.

Dear Readers,
Ron Currie Jr. is an interesting author. I enjoyed all of the books I read of his. Everything Matters was my favorite. I found meaning and incite in that book. His other books I have read intrigue me and make me think, but I am not exactly sure what to say about them.
God is Dead was good but quite horrifying to me. To some who are not religious and not believe in a God this book may not seem horrifying, but to those who find purpose in religion it might send a shock wave through their beliefs. Thinking about what would happen if something you believed in your whole life suddenly stops being true is a real mind trip.
I was raised in the Christian church. The Missouri Synod Lutheran Church to be more exact. When thinking about my religion it seemed to be a tall tower built off blocks. If one of the foundation blocks was suddenly removed the whole thing then seemed lucrative. Age has helped expand my beliefs and they are no longer restricted to tottering tower of blocks. Still thinking about what would happen if God was entirely removed from the world shook me.
The book is told from many different views; these views help show how all different sorts of people were affected. It unites the world and tears it apart at the same time. Suddenly everyone is in the same boat with no idea what the future holds. This should unify people, but instead violence breaks out. Then things keep going and people realize the they have to keep on living. Somehow the world keeps spinning. The unique stories in this book make you think about what happens to the human race after disasters of all types.
So many different points could be discussed from this book, but I really cannot do them all justice. Read the book and then you will see what I mean. It is a quick read. Short book, but it will provoke more thought than books triple its length.

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