Warning!! Even though I read a lot I am basically the world's worst speller. So I apologize in advance for gramtical and spelling erors!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Dear Readers,
Some how I managed to not read this book until now. I must admit I have watched the movie about a million times and know just about every line. But yet I had not the read the book. After reading Sense and Sensibility I wanted more Jane Austen romance. Going out and buying this book was one of my best decisions. Sure the book is just about a silly romance but that is exactly what it is suppose to be.
To paraphrase on of my other favorite movies, I was constantly in agony if Elizabeth would actually end up with Mr. Darcy. Of course I knew that ending. I knew who would marry who, but that did not stop my stomach from fluttering every time Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth exchanged their witty words.
Over all I loved this book. Sure I think the need for these sisters to marry gentleman before their lives mean anything is ridiculous. If you don't want to be a burden on your parents go get a job. I know that is not the times, but it still bothers me. Surely they can make somewhere besides marriage. They pay their servants and the people who run the shops. Go be a servant or run a shop. It seems simpler than marrying a man like Mr. Collins.
My dislike for the characters need for marriage will not prevent me from reading this book over and over again. It is a wonderful book and if you haven't read it yet do, dear friend, because I know you will love it.

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