I might have written a review on these first two books before, but now that I have read the last two and finished the series I thought it would be better to write a review of the series in its entirety.
Here is the link my review solely of Ender's Game. http://ilurvebooks.blogspot.com/2012/05/enders-game-by-orson-scott-card.html. If you haven't read that book do it. If you think that science fiction isn't your thing and it sounds boring do it anyway. It is honestly one of my favorite books and it changed my opinion of science fiction completely.

The next three books in the series take place three thousand years after the first. Ender and his sister Valentine use light speed travel to jump from planet to planet so Ender can speak the dead of many others besides the hive queen. Because of the light speed travel Ender and Valentine are only in their thirties three thousand years after their birth. In the beginning of the second book Ender and Valentine are on the planet where Valentine finally found love. She is married with children. Ender is called to speak the death of a Xenobiologer on a planet thirty light years away. Ender leaves and Valentine stays.

Noviha, the now woman, studies this disease. Her parents found the way to save the humans from it. Her and her family are closely tied with not only the disease, but also the piggies. The man Ender was called to speak the death of was Noviha's segregate father. He was murdered by the piggies, but he death was not what is seemed to be. Noviha figured out on of the reason for it, and she was determined to keep it from his son and her lover Libo. It was all for not because Libo died in the same way as his father.
When Ender reaches the planet everything is changed. The reason for the deaths are revealed. The planet rebels. The disease gets smarter. And the hive queen is introduced into the world again.
Because of the rebellion and the disease the planet is scheduled to be destroyed. The rest of the books follow to lives of the people on the planet. Valentine and her family leave their home to help with the problems on the planet. Noviha and her children adopt Ender into their family. The bugger, piggies, and humans all begin to work together to prevent the destruction of their planet.
From beginning to end I loved this series. In the first book you grow to love the characters and then you are able to grow up with them. I can not more highly recommend these books. Not only is plot riveting the themes are wonderful. Humanity is strong through out all of the books. All I can say it read them. They are wonderful.
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